Are You Ready to Ditch the Pain of Chronic Illness and Start Living Again?

I am cherylmhealthmuse.  I want to inspire you to return to wellness and live your best life.


Who am I? And why do I do what I am doing?


I want you to  get  to know me, like me and trust me.


I have a free digital magazine available to share with you all about health to help you begin to discover your jigsaw puzzle pieces for wellness.

Get my free digital magazine FEELS GOOD TO FEEL GOOD



Why put me out there? Because if I could go from extreme pain and ill health to feeling good, what I have learned could help you. And I want you to give me a shot to do that.


Two of the building blocks of my mission are to always be compassionate and authentic.


You will see EK’s Testimonial below. I want to connect on a heart level with others, and I want to let them know that they matter and that there are solutions, always.



This means if you ever need me, and if I can help, once we begin to build a relationship, I will be there for you.


It may be that you need help with your health.


It may mean that you might need help in love, or with an aging parent or in even motivating employees.


At this stage of my life, I have tremendous life experience to draw on, and it you need it, I am happy to listen and to help, if I can.



The beauty of this is that just the act of listening often helps someone find their own solutions. Listening is under rated. People are looking for someone to “hear” them. That’s the joy of coaching. I might steer the conversation, but my gift is helping you find the solution for you.


Most importantly when I tell you I will “hear” you and “listen”. I truly try to do that.


Sometimes in life when we are seeking help the coach or advisor only want to talk, they don’t want to “hear”, whether it’s your doctor, a social worker, a therapist, a friend, a spouse or a child. or a coach. People don’t listen. They are figuring out the advice they want to give instead of truly listening to what the other person is saying.


Book a Call to Find Out What it Would Be Like to Get Help


When I got sick, my doctor only “listened” for 5-10 minutes, and it was only so that she could prescribe a pill for me. She didn’t really “hear” me. She decided nothing was wrong with me, no matter how many times I shared that I was in trouble, and I hurt.


I KNEW something was wrong, and I was determined to go find it.


I remember how lonely and frustrated I felt. But as my research developed, I not only began to find answers and solutions, but I was meeting others in the exact same place that I was. Serious health issues, short appointments, and doctors that were resolving it by throwing pain medications at them.


Since I was in my senior years, I made the decision to get out and share. I returned to school at 67 only to get credentials to share everything I had learned. I wanted to help people.



The key words to my practice are:






Empowering others to own their own health



A belief in maintaining a healthy lifestyle/returning your body to balance

A belief in being your best possible you

A belief that we are responsible for our own life and that we should set our sites and move mountains to accomplish where we are going.


If you decide to own your own life and health, and if you decide to hire me, your first appointment is always free. I need you to tell me your story. I need to know what you have done up to this point. I need to know your health history and what did and didn’t work. I need for you to share with me, and I promise I will hear you. Then I hold you accountable to make your own decisions, but I share from the vast amount of information I have gathered over the last 10 years.


So if you are frustrated, lonely, and know that something is wrong with you, I believe you.  I have been there, and I want to help.


This is something a client wrote to me after working together.


Amazing!  Amazing! Amazing! I first want to say thank you and (big hugs). Your information  may have saved my life.  I’m 45 years old and have been struggling with unanswered symptoms for at least 5 years and all conventional doctors want to do is wash me away with medication.  You have saved some of the best years of my life with your information.  Thank you so much.”  Lisa


I care and I want you to win. Those aren’t only words; I try to practice this daily with whomever I meet.


I orchestrate lifestyle changes that you are ready to make, but don’t know where to start.


This is another testimonial from a recent client:




So, my question is, how can I help you?


Let’s set up a time to talk so I can listen……..


My books have combined won 24 awards and are a treasure trove of helpful information for your health.

Inflammation causes most of our chronic illnesses.  Autoimmune disease, cancer, heart disease, dementia, diabetes, Fatty liver


By owning your own health you can significantly lower the inflammation in your body.  You can begin to heal.  Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out more?




The Following is a list of all the things that are making you unhealthy and making your body hurt. You can control all of them:

What you eat and put into your body




Your liver is the clearing house for toxins and it is constantly purging the toxins in your environment, on and in your food, in your air, on your skin, and in your products. It does an amazing job until it can’t keep up. Then it starts stuffing the toxins into your fat and storing them. Now the toxins become the gift that keeps on giving, and they begin to recycle in your blood and back through your liver. This impacts your heart, your lungs, your kidneys, your weight, your sleep, and all of your body processes. When your toxic load becomes too great, they cause inflammation and then dis-ease.

Lack of nutrients. Fast food and processed foods are loaded with synthetic ingredients. If you can’t pronounce it and if you don’t know what it is, you don’t eat it.

Too much stress

Too little sleep

Not breathing properly and consciously to reduce your stress.

If any of the above sounds like you, you don’t have to live this way. Women contact me all the time because they are at their ropes end, they don’t know what to do for their health and their MD insists that they are not ill. They know they are sick. They hear their body.

I have 12 pillars of health, but believe that the foundational life style habit is what we eat to fuel our body.  I work and inspire all of the pillars of health.

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There’s hope.  Change what you can control and start to see results in as little as 90 days.

  • You no longer hurt.
  • You are active again doing lots of activities with friends and family.
  • You are happy and healthy. 
  • You are rested when you wake up.
  • You look in the mirror in the morning and, Hay, you look pretty.  Your puffiness is gone.
  • Your joints and your muscles don’t hurt any more. 
  • You no longer have confetti in your brain. Your confusion is gone.
  • You are enjoying being with your family and friends again, and they are happy to have you be there. 
  • You are supported, and don’t need to hide.
  • You are no longer frustrated because you are implementing the path forward. Your health coach listens to you.
  • You have hope again.

Do you want to grab this life, feeling good, and ready for a new day?

THese are the 12 pillars of health.

1,  Community, who is in 3 degrees of seperation.  Are they healthy and practicing healthy habits.  If not become the influencer.  Do not change friends, but add healthy new friends to your community.  You will support each others healthy habits.


2.. Food- Eat from the Farmacy.  Eat the Rainbow from a farm as close to you as possible.  Eat organic.


3.  Cook, its the only way you can control what you put into your body.  You don’t need to be Julia Child to cook your own food using quality ingredients.  Food Quality Matters.  Stop eating processed foods and fast foods whether they are in a box, through a drive thru line, out of your freezer or in a restaurant.  Processed foods are loaded with sugar, salt, GMO Omega-6 oils, which are unhealthy fats.  And they are loaded with fake synthetic ingredients.  If you can’t pronounce it or if you don’t know what it is, your body doesnt either.  I have two videos on this subject in my blog.  Please watch them and learn how BIg Food has Hijacked our health.

Ditch sugar and break the addiction to processed food.  I run quarterly programs to help you win at ditching the sugar and finding food freedom.


4.  Learn to manage your stress.  We all have stress, but chronic stress interrupts every organ in your body and puts you out of balance.  Health is being in balance, emotionally, mentally and physically.  There are easy exercises to learn to make this a reality.


5.  Get 7+ hours of continuous sleep a night.


6.  Drink lots of H2O  every cell in your body needs it to function properly.  Add lemon when possible.


7.  Mind, meditate, practice gratitude, get into nature.  Feed your soul as well as your body.  Deep breathing.  Learn how to breathe properly.



8.  Move, movement is crucial to long term health.  FInd something that you love and do it daily.


9.  Eliminate toxins in your life, be they environmental chemicals in y our personal care products, cleaning products, air, food, relationships.  We are allowing ourselves to be poisoned in all aspects of our lives.  My first book identifies where I researched, what I eliminated, and how I lowered my toxic load to return to wellness.


10. Play, laugh and enjoy life.  Foster healthy relationships and mental health.


11.  Cultivate  intimacy.


12.  Be the best you and let yourself be you.  You are the only you that will ever exist and as such, you are a marvel unto yourself.



Imagine there is a better way…..

If you want to learn more, listen to the video above. There are lots of things you can do to improve your health. You control them but you need inspiration.

change your pain. improve your health.

do you want to learn more?

After you watch the video if you want to learn more, email me at and make an appointment. The first time we meet is complementary. I need to HEAR your story. And I will LISTEN. And I will HEAR you.


My books were mentioned as noteworthy books on ABC, CBS and NBC. They have won 20 awards combined.

I have had articles published in  multiple publications

I no longer have any of the symptoms  of my autoimmune disease. I ditched my pain.

What are YOU waiting for?

Call me and book an appointment today.

626 399 2304

Your first appointment is Complimentary.

Please Act Now.  If  you don’t, there is something called Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome. (MAS) It is not unusual if you get one Autoimmune Disease to start to get two, three or more.  Be proactive.  Lets attack this together..

Come tell me your story.  I want to “hear” you, i will listen and I will believe you.

Schedule your free 45 minute Feel Great Now session with me today. I want to “hear” your biggest health problems and after this powerful session,  You will have a list of positive outcomes you seek for your health, and a renewed sense of energy that you can overcome your health issues.  You will also have a list of action steps that you can do Next to Feel Great again.

I have an office in Monrovia, CA where we can meet, or I will work with you by phone on Zoom.

If after I hear your story, if you are inspired to change Then you hire me. I will coach you to success and hold you accountable to your goals.

Free handout on 15 things you can do to ditch the pain.

I have different packages that will give us time to travel the road back to health.

More Testimonials from past clients

I saw my Dr yesterday and she said my health history is boring,lol, I lost some weight, AND my Bp actually went down 20 points. I’m on zero meds. It’s all thanks to you coach.  Val Peterson


“Cheryl you have probably saved my husband’s life 💕 We love your book thank you so much for writing it.  Without your book I could possibly have lost my man because he was having to see a Western medical doctor.  They put him on antibiotics and steroids for his nasal blockage with no testing that would’ve meant general anesthetic.  He’s already a diabetic, 68 and smoked for 40 years, he can’t afford a functional doctor right now but we will be able to once we go with your advice on the coverage.  Your book is a lifesaver we thank you 💕so much.   I love you for your work so much.   I can’t thank you enough😀🎶❤️”  Cat Wissenback


 Change your pain, improve your health

Cheryl Meyer  AKA Cherylmhealthmuse

What More of my clients have to say about me:

“Cheryl is very knowledgeable about eating and living healthy. Personally, she has helped me with understanding how to make healthy food choices and lifestyle choices. Cheryl is a perfect role model for all to follow. THANK YOU Cheryl”  Valerie Peterson January 2017

“Cheryl Meyer’s knowledge, empowerment, and encouragement has helped me to change my habits and move forward towards regaining my health and living a healthy lifestyle. Her insights and empathy has increased my understanding for the need to live the healthy lifestyle. I have not only lost close to 20lbs, I have also gained energy and methods to resolving some of our families health issues. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, throat issues, and many other chronic illnesses that have been helped with her insight and knowledge. I would highly recommend working with her in any capacity you can as she has changed mime as well as my families lives..” Sarah Ankney October 2019

What do you have to lose? (other than the ill health?)  Contact me today.

626 399 2304